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类别:张家界新闻 日期:2016-1-18 19:40:06 人气: 来源:
货品及服务– 类别题目
货品 goods
用于工作、迷信、摄影、农业、园艺、森林的化学品, 未加工人造
合成树脂, 未加工塑料物, 肥料, 灭火用合成物, 淬火和金属焊接用制剂, 保留食用化学品, 鞣料, 工业用黏合剂。
class 1
chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics manures fire extinguishing compositions tempering and soldering preparations chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs tanning substances adhesives used in industry.
颜料、清漆、漆; 防锈剂和木材防腐剂; 着色剂; 媒染剂; 未加工的自然树脂; 画家、装潢家、印刷商和艺术家用金属箔及金属粉。
class 2
paints, varnishes, lacquers preservatives against rust and against deterioration of wood colorants mordants raw natural resins metals in foil and powder form for painters, decorators, printers and artists.
洗衣用漂白剂及其它物料;干净、擦亮、去渍及研磨用制剂;肥皂; 香料、精油、化装品、发水; 牙膏、牙粉。
class 3
bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations soaps perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions dentifrices.
产业用油及油脂, 光滑剂, 接收, 喷洒和黏结灰尘用品,专业工商代理网站:http://www.168zhuce.com/, 燃料( 包含马达用的汽油) 跟照明资料, 照明用蜡和灯芯。
class 4
industrial oils and greases lubricants dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions fuels (including motor spirit) and illuminants candles and wicks for lighting.
医用和兽医用制剂,医用卫生制剂,医用养分品,婴儿食物,膏药,绷敷材料, 填塞牙孔和牙模用料, 消毒剂, 毁灭有害动物制剂, 杀真菌剂, 除莠剂。
class 5
pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations sanitary preparations for medical purposesdietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies plasters, materials for dressingsmaterial for stopping teeth, dental wax disinfectants preparations for destroying verminfungicides, herbicides.
一般金属及其合金; 金属修建材料; 可挪动金属建造物; 铁轨用金属材料; 非用缆索和金属线; 五金制品, 小件五金用品; 金属
class 6
common metals and their alloys metal building materials transportable buildings of metal materials of metal for railway tracks non-electric cables and wires of common metal ironmongery, small items of metal hardware pipes and tubes of metal safes goods of common metal not included in other classes ores.
机器和机床;电动机和发念头(供陆上车辆用者除外); 机器衔接和 传动组件(供陆上车辆用者除外); 农业工具, 孵化器。
class 7
machines and machine tools motors and engines (except for land vehicles) machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles) agricultural implements other than hand-operated incubators for eggs.
手工器具和器械(手工操作的); 刀叉餐具; 佩刀, 剃刀。
class 8
hand tools and implements (hand operated) cutlery side arms razors.
科学、航海、测地、摄影、片子、光学、衡具、量具、信号、测验 ( 监视)、救护( 营救) 和教养器具及仪器, 处理、开关、传递、 积聚、调节或把持电的仪器和器具, 录制、通信、重放声音和形象 的用具, 磁性数据载体, 录音盘, 主动售货器和投币激活装置的机 械构造, 现金收入记载机, 盘算器和数据处置装置, 灭火器械。
class 9
scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images magnetic data carriers, recording discs automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin operated apparatus cash registers calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers fire-extinguishing apparatus.
类别1 0
外科、医学、牙科和兽医用仪器及器械, 假肢、假眼和假牙; 矫形 用品; 缝合用材料。
class 10
surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs,工商代理是指在从事代办公司注册,公司变更代理,公司转让代理,公司注消代理及与工商局事务办理相关的工商事务咨询及代理服务, eyes and teeth orthopaedic articles suture materials.
类别1 1
照明、加温、蒸汽、烹调、冷藏、干燥、透风、供水及卫生用处的 安装。
class 11
apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes.
类别1 2
车辆; 陆上、空中、水上或水里用运载器。
class 12
vehicles apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water.
类别1 3
火器, 军火及枪弹; 爆炸物; 焰火。
class 13
firearms ammunition and projectiles, explosives fireworks.
类别1 4
不属别类的名贵金属及其合金,以及不属别类的可贵金属制品或镀 有贵重金属的物品; 珠宝, 宝石; 钟表和计时仪器。
class 14
precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes jewellery, precious stones horological and chronometric instruments.


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